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Harddisk running at a snail’s pace? Give it some legs!
Defragments your drives
Defragments protected Windows-Files
Defragments your Registry


Version: 9 (v9.9.6)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Harddisk-Turbo: JetDrive

Harddisk-Turbo: JetDrive

Do you still remember the feeling when you bought your PC and everything ran so quickly? With JetDrive you can regain this lost speed.

Checks for harddrive errors

Checks for harddrive errors

JetDrive recognizes errors in your hard drives and can even detect and fix errors automatically if you prefer.



There is a physical reason why your PC slows down with time. JetDrive defragments your drive and restores it to an optimal state.

Defragments your Registry

Defragments your Registry

Defragments also your Registry thanks to our special registry defragmentation algorithm.

The hard disk turbo

In the past your computer was quite fast, but after time it will loose speed! An increasing fragmentation of all files and the Windows registry makes the the computer more slow over time. JetDrive of Abelssoft fixes the problem, defragments the computer and optimizes the performance noticeably. In the classic hard disks, files are stored by magnetic fields - sector by sector. When a file is deleted, there is a gap. If the next file stored is not exactly in this gaps size, it might result in an issue. Part of the file is located in one part on the hard disk while the other part is located in another location. The computer takes progressively longer time to read data, because data have to be collected from various locations on the hard disk.
The hard disk turbo

Speeds up your Windows system

JetDrive corrects this problem and defragment the hard disk in an easy and safe way. In this process the files are merged into one piece and completely restructured. This speeds up the computer considerably. Have you ever wondered how to make your pc faster? JetDrive now offers functions that can be used easily. Hard drive fragmentation: JetDrive defragments the whole disk. This function can run in the background to not to disturb the normal functioning.
Speeds up your Windows system

For best hard disk performance

Defragment Windows files: Normally, the user can get permission to access sensitive system files from Windows. JetDrive can also defragment this files in a safe way for better performance. Defragment registry: The registry is the central database of Windows. Here, important information is stored, installed drivers, programs and processes. The registry keeps growing and can inflate with the time. JetDrive uses its own defrag process to make the registry again small and compact.
For best hard disk performance

Your advantages in the Full Version

Unlimited usage

Unlimited usage

Time-unlimited use.

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We're there for you

Free email support.



6 months free updates & new versions.

Trial Version limitations

Limited 30-day trial period, Dialog requesting purchase with each program start

What the press thinks of us

Softpedia Logo
A tool that can speed up your PC

An efficient and simple software solution designed to improve your personal computer's performance by defragmenting disk drives, registry files or RAM memory.


What is said about us

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Even on Easter I received an email response to my questions. Thanks so much! Excellent company.

Heike HB


I really do like these product.

Ronald Fellows


JetDrive did a great job when speeding and cleaning up my PC. Thumps up!



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