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Download music for free
Supports almost all streaming services
Record music in high quality
Save songs in many formats


Version: 2025 (v2025.10.03)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Download music

Download music

Whether it's a single song, or an entire playlist, Recordify can permanently record and download all songs.

RECognition© technique

RECognition© technique

Simply run through a playlist while Recordify recognizes each song, names the ID3 tags, and saves them individually.

Save songs to hard disk

Save songs to hard disk

Download your favorite songs directly to your hard drive and conveniently copy them back and forth.

Many file formats

Many file formats

The recorded music can be saved as MP3, WAV or high-quality FLAC file.

Integrated music player

Integrated music player

With the built-in music player, you can play your music directly in Recordify without being connected to the Internet.

Usable with many providers

Usable with many providers

With Recordify you can easily record and store music from Spotify, Apple Music or even Amazon.

High quality

High quality

The music quality depends on the source. Recordify supports high quality audio up to 320 kbps.

Record music from different sources

The Windows program Recordify is able to record everything that comes out of the PC speakers. Thus, it is no problem to record music tracks from streaming services such as Spotify or Amazon Music in order to save them permanently as MP3 files. Audio plays from online media libraries or sound files from YouTube videos can also be recorded.
Record music from different sources

Cassette recorder for the PC

Recordify is a cassette recorder for the Windows PC. Everything that is played on the computer can also be recorded. With a mouse click, the user starts the recording function - and also cancels it again. This stereo mix recording function can be used to record and save the music track of YouTube videos. However, audio plays from an online media library can also be recorded.
Cassette recorder for the PC

Music library with ID3 tags

Recordify cuts the individual songs from the stream and tries to collect the ID3 tags to match. In the end, you get perfect music files that can be transferred to your own collection as MP3. As with the owner of a cassette recorder, the PC user automatically pays a flat copyright fee, which is already added to the hardware costs, to legalize this type of recording and make it financially viable for musicians. The music tracks are saved to the hard disk by Recordify in MP3, WAV or FLAC formats.
Music library with ID3 tags

Record music from streaming services

Recordify is particularly well prepared for recording streaming services. Like a radio, they play one music track after another. With the difference that the user can determine his own program. The problem with this is that an Internet connection is always required, because the music tracks are not stored on the hard drive in the streaming process. Many users therefore ask themselves: How can the music be downloaded and permanently stored? Recordify was developed precisely for this purpose. It works like a cassette recorder - only much more modern.
Record music from streaming services

Endless audio books for your Toniebox

Tonieboxes are small music players that are specially designed for the needs of children. When a Tonifigure is placed on the Toniebox, the box plays a radio play or music from that figure. Should you be in possession of a creative tonie that can be played on yourself, Recordify is an unimaginable help. Because the tool lets you record audio books, music and more with Recordify. Afterwards, your creative toonie can easily be recorded with it. This way, you can also listen to audio plays and music with the Toniebox, for which there are no purchasable figures yet. And it's also free of charge.
Endless audio books for your Toniebox

Do not worry - all legal

All our products are developed in accordance with the strict German legal requirements to protect you and us. The basis is the §53 UrhG, according to which own copies for private use are allowed. All our products also respect the specifications of media providers, so that no copy protection measures are broken or bypassed. As early as 2016, the Munich District Court clarified that this approach is in line with German law.
Do not worry - all legal

Your advantages in the Plus Version

Customize file naming

Customize file naming

Customize file naming scheme as you like.

Detection of advertising blocks

Detection of advertising blocks

Saves ads as MP3 so you can easily delete them.

We are happy to help

We are happy to help

Free email support.



6 months free updates & new versions.

Trial Version limitations

Donation Screens, basic functionality only

What the press thinks of us

Chip test verdict

Recordify was rated "good".


CHIP Online Logo
CHIP Conclusion on Recordify

With "Recordify" you can easily record songs [...] to transfer them to your own collection.

CHIP Online

What is said about us

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Finally I can listen to music offline without running out of phone volume.


The program is mega simple and has a really good music quality.

Eva L.


Now I can finally save myself premium and still have all the latest songs!



Hello, I installed the new version of Recordify yesterday, just wanted to say thank you, with the new features the program is now really great. Please keep it up!!!

Manfred K.


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