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Monitors your FritzBox and alerts you in case of danger.
Real-time protection: Alerts you to suspicious activities on your FritzBox
Is the neighbour using my Wi-Fi? Shows you all connected devices
How secure is my FritzBox? Overview of your FritzBox security settings
Automatic blocking of scam phone numbers and creation of your own block lists


Version: 2025 (v2025.3)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Real-time protection for your FritzBox

Real-time protection for your FritzBox

RouterGuard shows you the security status of your FritzBox and informs you immediately of any suspicious events.

Effective background guard

Effective background guard

RouterGuard is permanently active for you in the background and alerts you as soon as activities take place on your FritzBox.

Wi-Fi - Who is logged into my FritzBox?

Wi-Fi - Who is logged into my FritzBox?

RouterGuard shows you which devices are connected to your Wi-Fi. This way, unwanted users are detected immediately.

Optimise FritzBox settings

Optimise FritzBox settings

RouterGuard informs you which security settings in your FritzBox are already optimised and which are not.

The FritzBox is the gateway to the internet and a popular target for hackers

Your FritzBox is the central hub for your internet connection, effortlessly providing Wi-Fi to your computers, smartphones, and various other devices. Given its pivotal role, its security is of utmost importance. However, many users set up their FritzBox just once and then forget about it, making it a vulnerable entry point and a prime target for hackers. Once a cybercriminal gains access to your FritzBox, it's like hitting the jackpot. From your router, they can access all devices connected to it, giving them entry to your private data, passwords, and more. To protect you from this danger, we developed RouterGuard. In addition to providing comprehensive security, RouterGuard offers features such as voicemail access and automatic blocking of scam numbers, making it an even more effective solution to maximize your protection. This way, you remain in full control—even when receiving phone calls.
The FritzBox is the gateway to the internet and a popular target for hackers

Attack on your FritzBox? RouterGuard sounds the alarm

RouterGuard monitors your FritzBox for suspicious activity and provides real-time updates on what’s happening in the background. The dashboard shows you how many of your FritzBox settings are already optimized for high security, and with just one click, you can access detailed explanations of these settings and be redirected to your FritzBox interface to make adjustments. Through customizable blocklists, you can also easily block phone numbers you don’t want to receive calls from—quickly and conveniently. This way, your FritzBox is protected on all fronts.
Attack on your FritzBox? RouterGuard sounds the alarm

Who is connected to my Wi-Fi? No chance for unauthorised users

RouterGuard allows you to see all devices connected to your FritzBox and Wi-Fi network. You get a detailed overview of all the devices accessing your network, while also detecting any unauthorized users who shouldn't be there. If your neighbor is hogging your Wi-Fi and slowing down your internet speed, or if a hacker is trying to steal your private data or passwords, RouterGuard lets you take immediate action. Thanks to features like automatic blocking of scam numbers and voicemail management, RouterGuard is your all-in-one solution for complete peace of mind. If any suspicious activity is detected, you'll be notified right away, so you can respond instantly.
Who is connected to my Wi-Fi? No chance for unauthorised users

Your advantages in the Full Version

Unlimited usage

Unlimited usage

Its yours.



Min. 6 months free updates & new versions.

We are happy to help

We are happy to help

Free e-mail support.

Trial Version limitations

Only usable for 30 days, purchase dialogue when closing the programme, advertising in the programme

Frequently asked questions

What are the advantages of RouterGuard?dropdown icon

RouterGuard offers you three main advantages: With the background guard you will be informed when suspicious activities happen on your Fritzbox. You get a convenient overview of all connected devices and users, and the settings of your Fritzbox are optimized so that you are optimally protected.

Can I use RouterGuard with routers other than a Fritz!Box?dropdown icon

No, RouterGuard was developed specifically for Fritz!Boxes to make their use even easier and more accessible.

Which FritzOS is supported? dropdown icon

RouterGuard requires at least FritzOS 7.29 or newer.

Which Fritzboxes are supported by RouterGuard?dropdown icon

Basically, every Fritz!Box is supported by RouterGuard if it is running FritzOS version 7.29 or higher. Exceptions may occur with special configurations or individually built Fritz!Boxes.

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