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Abelssoft FileCryptor
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Abelssoft FileCryptor

One click is enough: backs up folders and files in seconds
Encryption without prior knowledge
Password generator
Highest security level


Version: 2025 (v2025.6)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

One-click encryption

One-click encryption

Encrypt your sensitive files with just one right-click - it couldn't be easier or faster.

Ultra-secure passwords

Ultra-secure passwords

The integrated password generator creates extremely strong passwords that are virtually uncrackable, even for experienced hackers.

Simple decryption

Simple decryption

Double-click and enter the password to decrypt your file immediately and use it as normal.

Maximum security

Maximum security

Thanks to AES-256 encryption, your data is protected at the highest security level.

Encryption of entire folders

Encryption of entire folders

Encrypt not just individual files, but entire folders - perfect for securing large projects or private data.

 Platform-independent file security

Platform-independent file security

No matter which device your file is opened on - as long as the password is known, it remains secure and protected.

Secure data, without effort - Abelssoft FileCryptor makes it possible

At a time when sensitive data such as personal documents, photos or financial information are increasingly being targeted by cyber criminals, it is crucial to protect your data. However, many encryption programs are so complicated that they are not used regularly. Abelssoft FileCryptor changes that. Thanks to an intuitive user interface and a simple right-click, you can encrypt files in seconds - without any prior technical knowledge.
Secure data, without effort - Abelssoft FileCryptor makes it possible

Rely on maximum protection with minimum effort

FileCryptor offers you ultimate security with the AES-256 algorithm, which is also used by governments for their top-secret data. With the integrated password generator, you can easily create ultra-secure passwords that cannot be cracked even by experienced hackers. Once you have encrypted your files, they are untouchable - and accessible again with a simple double-click and password. .
Rely on maximum protection with minimum effort

Data security has never been so easy

Encryption often sounds complicated, but with FileCryptor it's not at all. Simply select the file, click on “Encrypt” and your data is secure. Whether via the context menu or the program interface, it is lightning fast and efficient to use. This not only gives you a feeling of security, but also the confidence that your data is optimally protected in every situation.
Data security has never been so easy

Your advantages in the Full Version

Encryptions without limit

Encryptions without limit

You can encrypt any number of files or folders.

We're there for you

We're there for you

Free e-mail support.



At least 6 months of free updates & new versions.

Trial Version limitations

Max. 10 encryptions possible

What is said about us

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It's amazing how quickly you can assign a password to your documents, that's great!

Ela R.


Very easy to use, I am thrilled!

Helmut W.


Really easy and super secure, full marks!

Patrick S.


Frequently asked questions

Which encryption standard does FileCryptor use?dropdown icon

FileCryptor uses the AES-256 algorithm, which is considered one of the most secure encryption standards and is also used by governments to protect sensitive data.

What happens if I forget my password for an encrypted file?dropdown icon

Without the correct password, the encrypted file cannot be recovered. It is recommended to keep the password safe or to use a password manager, such as Abelssoft KeyDepot.

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