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Automatically sorted: Keep your music collection organized!
Organize your music library with just a button press
Innovative fingerprint technology
Edit multiple files at the same time


Version: 2025 (v2025.11)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Automatic Cataloging

Automatic Cataloging

Tagman automatically enters title, artist, album and cover.

Fingerprint Technology

Fingerprint Technology

Tagman analyses each piece of music and generates a unique fingerprint to match.

Automatic folder structures

Automatic folder structures

Tagman creates a sorted folder structure on request.

Edit Several Tracks at the Same Time

Edit Several Tracks at the Same Time

Tagman makes it possible to edit any number of songs simultaneously.

Album Cover Download

Album Cover Download

Tagman automatically searches for covers, which can be applied to all titles at the push of a button.

Full control with validation mode

Full control with validation mode

Missing information is automatically suggested and can be validated.

Ready for Windows 11

Ready for Windows 11

Can be used with any common Windows system.

Own folder structure

Own folder structure

Tagman automatically organizes your songs on your hard drive based on the tags.

Organized Music Library

Top-rated Tagman MP3 tag editor allows you to update and edit metadata, making it easier to organize and categorize your music collection. You can correct or add information like artist names, album titles, genre, and release years. This makes it simple to find specific tracks or create playlists based on your preferences. Tagman helps you fix incorrect or incomplete metadata that may have been added when you acquired the music files, such as missing track numbers, misspelled artist names, or inaccurate genre labels.
Organized Music Library

Consistency and compatibility thanks to Fingerprint Technology

Properly tagged MP3 files are more likely to be compatible with various music players, streaming services, and software applications. This ensures a seamless playback experience across different platforms and devices. If the ID3 tags are missing or incomplete, Tagman can research the relevant facts on the Internet and add them to the metadata. Even better: If a CD cover is missing, it can also be searched for and downloaded fully automatically on the Internet. In this way Tagman provides complete information about your own collection.
Consistency and compatibility thanks to Fingerprint Technology

Rename music files yourself

Editing MP3 tags ensures that your custom metadata stays embedded in the file, even if you transfer it to a different device or share it with others. Tagman is also able to rename the music files itself. For this purpose there are different schemes to choose from. For example, the user can specify that each music file already shows the artist and song name in the name. If desired, a folder structure can be created automatically, sorted by artist, album name or a combination of these.
Rename music files yourself

Your advantages in the Full Version

Unlimited possibilities

Unlimited possibilities

Edit an infinite number of music titles.

Unlimited usage

Unlimited usage

It's yours.

We're there for you

We're there for you

Free email support.

Don't miss out

Don't miss out

6 months of free updates and new versions.

Trial Version limitations

A maximum of 500 files can be edited, Limited 30-day trial period, Dialog requesting purchase with each program start

What the press thinks of us

Das Computer-Magazin Logo

The program Tagman [...] spruces up your music collection.

Das Computer-Magazin

What is said about us

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The programme works great and is a real blessing.

Detlef N.


I now have structure in my collection, thank you very much!

Sascha F.


This automatic music recognition makes editing a music collection much easier.

Hubert K.


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