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Back from vacation and the memory card packed with great pictures? With PhotoSort they are sorted and stored in no time at all.
Easily sort your holiday photos
Colored categories - easily created, cleverly sorted
Even hundreds of photos are no problem


Version: 2024 (v2024.4)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Clear user interface

Clear user interface

PhotoSort is designed to help you quickly sort your fresh photos before you have to store them on your PC.

Easily exported

Easily exported

PhotoSort exports your ordered photos and names them according to your categories if you wish.

Very easy operation via drag & drop

Very easy operation via drag & drop

Editing and adding photos is easy with drag & drop

Processes unlimited photos

Processes unlimited photos

Add as many pictures as you want. PhotoSort works with the common image formats jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, tiff.

Sorting pictures is so easy with PhotoSort

With PhotoSort you can quickly and easily sort large quantities of photos, mark the pictures with different colored categories and then save them. This is practical if you want to send friends only the landscape photos from your last vacation, for example, or make a photo book from your favorite pictures. PhotoSort works with the common image formats jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, tiff. And it works so easily.
Sorting pictures is so easy with PhotoSort

1. Create an album in PhotoSort and add the pictures

With just a few clicks, you can create a new album, for example we name it "Vacation". You can add your pictures by drag and drop or via the file explorer. Take as many as you want, PhotoSort can handle large quantities of pictures. You can also start sorting while PhotoSort is still importing the rest of your pictures.
1. Create an album in PhotoSort and add the pictures

2. Create colored categories and assign the pictures

Create up to 30 coloured categories per photo album. Name them as you like. These can be names like "Beach", "Hiking", but also "Grandchildren" or "Sunset". When you have all the categories you need, you can assign them to your pictures. To do so, you can either mark and categorize them or simply drag the category with the mouse onto the picture. By means of the coloured dots under the picture you can always see immediately which category has been assigned.
2. Create colored categories and assign the pictures

3. Export your collection and that's it!

When you are done sorting your collection, click on the export button. Here you can choose where the pictures will be saved and if the pictures should be named according to the category name. Now you have saved all your pictures in appropriately named folders on your computer. Your original pictures will not be changed. You can decide if you want to delete them from your memory card afterwards. A little tip: If you only want to export the pictures from one category, just click on the three dots next to the category name.
3. Export your collection and that's it!

Your advantages in the Full Version

Unlimited usage

Unlimited usage

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Trial Version limitations

This tool is usable for 30 days

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