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Put an end to the waste of ink! CleverPrint reduces printing costs by up to 50%!
Prints multiple pages on one sheet
Deletes unwanted pages & graphics
Integrated PDF printer



Version: 9 (v9.9.1)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Saves money

Saves money

Printing multiple pages (1, 2, 4, 8) on one is possible. Unnecessary pages can be excluded from the print job.

Saves printer cartridge and time

Saves printer cartridge and time

The new CleverPrint toner saving function allows to lighten up your print job before printing. This ensures a reduced consumption of the printer ink.

PDF printer

PDF printer

CleverPrint is able to convert print jobs to PDF documents or to PNG, JPG, etc.

Optimizes print jobs

Optimizes print jobs

CleverPrint can remove graphics within a print job and thus drastically reduce printing costs.

Ecological printing

Conserving resources, conserving money—these things are especially important in the workplace. CleverPrint for Windows succeeds in saving huge amounts of paper in the course of daily printing. The ink-saver function saves unnecessary toner and ink consumption. Office printing can quickly take a bite out of one’s wallet—but CleverPrint for Windows has the muzzle to put a stop to it. The software targets wasted paper in the workplace and home office. Up to 50% of paper resources can be conserved with little, “clever“ tricks. One such technique is to display a preview of the print job in order to prevent unnecessary mistakes. One can even remove entire pages at if they discover they’re superfluous or blank.
Ecological printing

Protecting money, resources and forests

It’s also possible to save a significant amount of paper by compressing multiple pages onto a single sheet of paper. In booklet print mode the printout is arranged so it can be folded and stapled, thus creating a small book. The most economical option: the print job is not actually printed, but instead saved as a new file. In this way the user can optionally create a PDF file or an image file in JPG, TIFF, BMP, GIF or PNG format. With this method the “printed“ page can be easily archived, emailed, or shared on Facebook, no matter what format it was originally.
Protecting money, resources and forests

Putting things on paper responsibly

In addition, users can include letterheads and watermarks on their printouts, filter out promotional images from their personal printouts, and start a climate-savings calculator which continuously records how much water, wood, CO2 and energy CleverPrint has helped save. CleverPrint features let you print directly from other programs. Another function is the ink and toner saver function. By pressing a button the user is able to brighten an entire print job—thus all texts, pictures, and graphics can be produced with less ink. The printout will remain legible, but use significantly less ink. Dr. Sven Abels, chief executive of Ascora GmbH: "Printer ink and printer paper: these are two of the most expensive office supplies in existence. Anyone who can conserve them is rewarded not only with a heavier wallet, but also with a quiet conscience toward the environment. And this is something deeply rooted in our corporate philosophy."
Putting things on paper responsibly

Your advantages in the Full Version

Unlimited usage

Unlimited usage

It's yours.

We're there for you

We're there for you

Free email support.



6 months of free updates and new versions.

Trial Version limitations

Limited 30-day trial period, dialog requesting purchase when closing the program

What the press thinks of us

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TrustRank: Based on many factors, we give this program a Trust rating of 9/10.


What is said about us

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CleverPrint does (...) everything advertised and specified without a problem. It represents, based on home and office usage, a significant addition to existing software offerings.

Bernd L.


CleverPrint has dramatically relieved the financial strain of printing costs! Finally an end to all of the avoidable printer errors and inefficiencies.

Rainhardt T.


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