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Abelssoft Easy AI
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Abelssoft Easy AI

Unleash the full power of AI in your home and be surprised!
No previous knowledge necessary
Versatile helper in everyday life
Receive suggestions for even better results
100% tailored to you
The first AI that respects data protection


Version: 2025 (v2025.1.01)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Infinite knowledge

Infinite knowledge

Whether it's repair instructions, knowledge questions or tips on your hobbies. This AI offers you answers for every topic.

Simple operation

Simple operation

If you have never dealt with an AI before, you are in good hands here. Easy AI takes you by the hand step-by-step.

Data protection writ large

Data protection writ large

We have placed great emphasis on data protection at Easy AI. Personal data is completely anonymized and remains on your PC!

Tailored to you

Tailored to you

All requests can be completely tailored to you. Easy AI gives you the results that best match your interests.

Tutor mode

Tutor mode

Dealing with an AI can be unfamiliar at first. The helpful tutor mode explains how to make requests correctly and what you should pay attention to.

Let yourself drift

Let yourself drift

After each issue, you will receive tips on what you could ask next or what else could be exciting in relation to your query.

Without AI, it's like a time before Google, Whatsapp & Co.

Do you know what it was like before there were search engines like Google? There were lists of web addresses in magazines that you had to type out. If you wanted to surf the Internet, it was very time-consuming. You wouldn't want to do that today.

And this is exactly how people will look back on us in the future when it comes to artificial intelligence. Using an AI is so helpful and so much more convenient than laboriously and time-consuming searching for information on the internet. Recipe ideas, instructions, travel routes or summaries on any topic. Easy AI does all this at the touch of a button. You won't want to be without it!
Without AI, it's like a time before Google, Whatsapp & Co.

New ideas every day

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of AI - easily, safely and without any prior knowledge. Find out how this innovative program opens up new possibilities and supports you in your everyday life.

To do this, you can enter a few details about yourself, your interests and hobbies at the start. Easy AI will then provide you with new inspiration every day on how it can help you and take this into account when answering your questions. So if you don't yet know what AI is good for, let it show you and be surprised how much it can simplify your everyday life!
New ideas every day

Achieve more as a team!

You can ask questions or give instructions in interactive mode. The result will already impress you. But there's more!

Easy AI analyzes each output to you and makes suggestions as to what might be a useful further instruction in this context. If you have asked which soccer club has produced the most top scorers, Easy AI may suggest whether you would also like to see in which years this was the case, or which footballer has the highest goal statistics. You can talk to Easy AI as if you were talking to a human - that's what makes AI fun!
Achieve more as a team!

The first AI that cares about your privacy!

When it comes to artificial intelligence, many people are concerned that they don't know what happens to their data and where it goes. This is why data protection was a top priority in the development .

Although we cannot change the fact that Easy AI also sends every request to a special external AI server for processing, we can anonymize your data. The program automatically recognizes when a request or task contains personal data. This is made unrecognizable in the background. As soon as the request has been processed and you see a response, the masking is then reversed. In this way, Easy AI ensures that personal data does not leave your computer.
The first AI that cares about your privacy!

What is said about us

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Wow, this is the first time I've done a task with Easy AI and I finished it in less than 30 minutes... usually it takes me about 2 hours!

Marieke E.


At first I didn't know what I could do with Easy AI. But after 5 minutes and with the help of the introduction, I realized immediately. I wouldn't want to be without it.



I do everything with it now! I no longer need Google. Best program!



Frequently asked questions

What happens to my data?dropdown icon

Easy AI sends every request to a special external AI server for processing. Before this happens, personal data is concealed. To do this, the program automatically recognizes when a request or task contains personal data. This is made unrecognizable in the background. As soon as the request has been processed and you see an answer, the obfuscation is reversed.

Is the use of AI dangerous?dropdown icon

Don't worry, Easy AI is an AI model that was developed to pass on as much knowledge as possible or to help you with creative ideas. It's not dangerous and you can't do anything wrong.

Is artificial intelligence the same as AI?dropdown icon

For the sake of simplicity, the term "artificial intelligence" is abbreviated to AI. In English, the term is "Artificial Intelligence" and is therefore abbreviated to AI. However, they mean the same thing.

What can I do with artificial intelligence?dropdown icon

You can ask Easy AI anything you would ask an omniscient human. You can use the AI to create travel plans, get tips for dinner or have it give you summaries on various topics. Just try it out for yourself. It's really easy!

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