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Easy Backup
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Easy Backup

The world's simplest backup to protect irreplaceable data
Creates peace of mind as your precious pictures, music collection & private data are secure
Works reliably, comfortably and quickly
Sensationally easy to use at the click of a mouse
Automated backup after initial setup


Version: 2025 (v2025.15.2)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Easy to use

Easy to use

Plug in the selected storage medium and all data is backed up fully automatically.

Restore your backup anytime, anywhere

Restore your backup anytime, anywhere

To restore your data, it is not necessary to have Easy Backup installed on your device.

Automatic backup

Automatic backup

Once set up, every future backup is automatically made by connecting the storage medium.

Reassuring certainty

Reassuring certainty

The comforting feeling that whatever happens, all your irreplaceable data is protected.

Reminder function

Reminder function

With the automatic reminder, your backup is always up-to-date and no file is lost.

Versatile use

Versatile use

Back up pre-selected folders such as pictures or documents individually or all data at once.

More than 60 % of consumers have been affected by data loss. With Easy Backup you are not one of them!

A recent survey by Acronis revealed that 65.1% of consumers have been affected by data loss, and yet they do not carry out a backup due to convenience or excessive demands. This is human, but in the case of losing the family photos of the last 20 years due to a defective hard drive, the annoyance and pain outweigh the loss. Late regrets will not bring the data back.

With Easy Backup, backing up is child's play for you - with just a few clicks, your data is safe and you no longer need to worry about losing precious files.
More than 60 % of consumers have been affected by data loss. With Easy Backup you are not one of them!

The backup solution for everyone: professional data backup with simple and convenient operation

Easy Backup not only works reliably and quickly, but is also very easy to use. Without complicated security settings, Easy Backup backs up all your data such as music, photos, documents and more.

Simply connect a storage medium, such as an external disk or a USB stick, and sit back and relax - Easy Backup takes care of backing up your data all by itself after the one-time setup.

With Easy Backup, backing up is child's play for you - with just a few clicks, your data is safe and you no longer need to worry about losing precious files.
The backup solution for everyone: professional data backup with simple and convenient operation

Easy Backup combines convenience and security

To ensure that your backup is always up to date, we have equipped Easy Backup with a reminder function - so outdated backups are a thing of the past.

In addition to the convenience, Easy Backup also uses very little storage space thanks to the latest FileFusion HardlinkTechnology™ and even protects your data backup from extortion software thanks to a special procedure.

Is your data really safe? With Easy Backup it is, because with our backup solution for everyone, your data is conveniently and quickly backed up for all eventualities.
Easy Backup combines convenience and security

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Trial Version limitations

Only 30 days usable, purchase dialog at program start

What is said about us

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Easy Backup: a very convenient programme.

Harald B.


With the delivered product, "Easy Back-Up", I was able to easily and uncomplicatedly back up my data on an external hard drive. A product worth recommending.

Michael B.


Very fast and neat delivery. Flawless quality. Again and again.

Hans G.


Frequently asked questions

Is my data safe when it is copied to the external storage medium?dropdown icon

The way Easy Backup works is based on the most modern technology, so that the creation of the backup is made extraordinarily secure through a special procedure. For example, the data backup is also protected against ransomware attacks.

How does Easy Backup protect against ransomware?dropdown icon

After each successful backup, the connection between the PC and the storage medium, such as a hard drive or USB stick, is physically disconnected. This means that in the event of a ransomware attack, the data on your backup medium is protected because it is not connected to the PC.

How can I restore my data with Easy Backup?dropdown icon

Simply open Easy Backup, click on Restore Backup and then connect the storage medium on which you created the backup. Your data will then be restored completely automatically.

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