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Uncomfortable with Google knowing everything about you? This tool is the answer!
Prevents Data Traffic
Deletes Traces
Automatic Trace Watcher


Version: 225 (v225.225.01)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Plugs data leaks

Plugs data leaks

Mostly, unwanted data traffic can't be turned off manually. GClean stops Google's unwelcome data usage.

Delete unwanted content from Google

Delete unwanted content from Google

With the new "Google Delete Request" function you can submit a request for removal of certain content. Get your privacy back!

Delete traces

Delete traces

Find and delete flash cookies, form data, surfing traces and data garbage of Google applications.

Protect your computer automatically

Protect your computer automatically

The G-Radar permanently looks out for Google traces and data garbage on your computer.

Your data belongs to you

The modern digital world of convenience and instant conveyance has one slight flaw. Anybody who utilizes ostensibly free services like Google’s search, Google Chrome, YouTube, Picasa or Google Earth pays with a small piece of themselves. This is done through the collection and utilization of user profiles and user cookies. They store information of various kinds, allowing Google to produce perfectly tailored advertisements and search results. Many people no longer want, understandably, any of their information to be transmitted to third-parties. The answer: Abelssoft’s GClean. It targets and governs this flow of information that otherwise accumulates in massive data centers cataloging millions of users. GClean searches the user’s entire computer for existing Google software, then allows the cessation of all personal data transmission with a single mouse click.
Your data belongs to you

Destroys traces

GClean detects services like Google Search, Google Mail, Google Maps, YouTube, Chrome, Google Analytics, Google Toolbar, Google Desktop Search, Google Earth, Google Updater and Google Picasa. In particular, for Google Chrome, it’s possible to delete the browsing history, clear the download list, remove all cookies, clear the cache, clear saved form data, and forget saved passwords. The G-Radar feature prevents future information collection attempts, and sounds an alarm when a Google service tries to save a new cookie. If you ever wondered how to avoid Google to collect your data, this issue is also solved by GClean. Besides all features that block data traffic, the software also includes an information removal request. G-Radar has a browser check, which checks after every surfing whether something has changed secretly in the browser settings.
Destroys traces

Unobtrusively delete Google traces in the background

GClean supports the latest browser and Google service versions, ensuring optimal performance thereon. Additionally, the application has received a completely new interface; it is more modern, more simple to understand, and more intuitive to use. The most important new feature: GClean offers the capacity to request the removal of a user’s webpages from Google’s search index. There are some things that people don’t want to appear on search results - social media profiles, personal photo albums, etc. GClean makes that preference heard. GClean is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, WIndows 8.1 and Windows 10. GClean currently supports the following browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple Safari and Browser.
Unobtrusively delete Google traces in the background

Your advantages in the Full Version

Unlimited usage

Unlimited usage

Time-unlimited use.

We're there for you

We're there for you

Free email support.



6 months free updates & new versions.

Trial Version limitations

Limited 30-day trial period, dialog requesting purchase with each program start

What the press thinks of us

PHP Nuke Logo

GClean is without a doubt one of the most useful tools to keep your computer clean of the bombing of unwanted content from the Web.

PHP Nuke

What is said about us

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If you’d prefer to keep your browsing habits to yourself, you should put a barrier between you and Google. And that’s what GClean does best!



GClean is the bomb stop this corporation from collecting your data. 5 stars

J. Halka


GClean is THE BEST!!!

Felix Movsesjan


It's fantastic that GClean can make me and my name google-clean! ;-) Hey guys, come on. Help me to delete all the negative stuff in the web related to me.



GClean is an affirmitive step in addressing the problem of profiling computer users.



This is a well conceived and crafted program which targets the packets of information generated and sent to Google upon using their products.

Henry Williams


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