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The best protection from Ransomware and data hijacking ever!
Protects you from Ransomware
Guarding your files in the background
The double net against Ransomware


Version: 2025 (v2025.25)

Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7

Immediate use after purchase
Free Support
Made in Germany

Overview of all functions

Background Guard

Background Guard

AntiRansomware searches independently and around the clock for suspicious changes and indications of ransomware and shows you the possible attackers.

Smart algorithms

Smart algorithms

Using sophisticated algorithms, AntiRansomware immediately detects malware.

RansomLiveUpdates® for free

RansomLiveUpdates® for free

AntiRansomware is constantly being developed and updates are available free of charge.

Emergency stop

Emergency stop

Should a Trojan ever infiltrate your system, the emergency stop shuts down the system and starts in a secure environment.

Instant notification

Instant notification

After a ransomware attack you will be informed immediately by mail and receive further tips.

No performance impact

No performance impact

The Guard works in the background so that the power of your computer is not affected.

AntiRansomware: Your guardian for your data

When opening a file or just surfing the internet, you can easily catch ransomware. Once your PC is infected, the blackmail Trojan does not delete your private data, but encrypts it and demands a high ransom to release it again. In cooperation with specialists, we have developed AntiRansomware, the blackmail virus stopper, which offers you effective protection against the so-called ransomware. The guard checks all processes in the background and immediately sounds the alarm based on sophisticated detection patterns if files on your PC are encrypted.
AntiRansomware: Your guardian for your data

Immediate help in case of an attack on private data

If a blackmail Trojan catches you, the blackmail virus stopper will immediately shut down your PC to prevent further encryption. The computer then starts in safe mode, in which ransomware cannot usually be run. A help wizard supports you in the next steps and gives you valuable tips on how to handle your data. In very bad cases of ransomware, the computer is switched off completely to avoid the risk of further data encryption. If you are not actively working on your PC during this time, you will be notified by email.
Immediate help in case of an attack on private data

Your advantages in the Full Version

Unlimited usage

Unlimited usage

It's yours



6 months of free updates and new versions

We like to help

We like to help

Free support via e-mail.

Trial Version limitations


What is said about us

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I got involved in a fraud. Thanks to your software AntiRansomware I got away with it all over again.

Karl B.


At this point I would like to compliment the entire team at Abelssoft. You have really great software selections in your assortment that provide very good cybersecurity.

Sonja K.


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