The latest stealth technology permanently changes your digital fingerprint to disguise your true identity.
What have you searched for recently? What are you interested in? With a single click, your tracks are reliably deleted.
Through the ingenious combination of all mechanisms, your identity is concealed to the maximum. This way you are in control and are better protected from criminals.
Only AntiBrowserSpy offers the possibility to protect each browser individually, so you get a tailor-made system.
Once activated, the background guard monitors if a program wants to change your settings and informs you.
Do you know which company is creating an advertising profile of you to sell? AntiBrowserSpy users know exactly - and prevent it!
By controlling your privacy, online identity and erasing your browsing history, your security is greatly increased.
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AntiBrowserSpy prevents your web browser from returning data to its creator, whether that's a unique ID or details of the website you visit. AntiBrowserSpy can also remove traces of your interent activities and perform a backup or your settings.
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Verdict: A versatile security tool which makes it much easier to monitor and maintain your browsing privacy.
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Yes, because a VPN lets you surf with a different IP address, but beyond that it does not disguise the identity. Any browser with factory settings already reveals a lot about the user. In addition, the so-called user agent is also retained, which provides information about the browser used, your operating system and more. Search history and tracking mechanisms are not prevented either. With AntiBrowserSpy, a first-class anonymization protection is achieved. A VPN service can provide additional protection here, but it does not replace an anti-spy tool.
The latest version of AntiBrowserSpy supports Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Microsoft Edge. However, portable browsers are not supported.
There are many different companies that have an interest in your data and participate directly or indirectly in your online tracking. For example, the advertising industry, which creates an advertising profile of you in order to make it available to other companies for profit. But social networks also have a strong interest in your data. Because they are by no means "free". You pay for the use of social media with your data, which they use to attract additional users or to sell advertising space themselves.
And depending on what you're looking for on the web, you're also a welcome potential customer for some industries. If you have recently inquired online about a new credit card, or possibly want to take out a loan, your advertising value increases enormously, because most people change banks or credit card providers only very rarely, which is why these customers are worth a lot. Therefore, many advertisers haggle in the background for your data. And that is only one example of many.
Therefore, protect yourself and don't let anyone access your data! Stop being spied on and use AntiBrowserSpy.
Protecting yourself and your privacy is more important today than it was 10 years ago. That's because about 70-80% of all websites on the web use advertising trackers, cookies and other spying tools to track your online activities and build a profile of you. This data is like gold to the advertising industry, which then swamps you and other users with a similar profile with tailored advertising that you can hardly fend off.
But just knowing that sensitive and private data is in other hands triggers strong unease in most people.
That's why you should rely on anti-spy software like AntiBrowserSpy, which destroys your surfing traces and disguises your online identity in such a way that large corporations and the advertising industry can no longer use it.